Our village
The village of Malinovo is located in the upper part of Žitný ostrov (Rye Island) on the right bank of the river Malý Dunaj (Little Danube), south-east of Bratislava. It is approximately 15 km from the very centre of the capital city. Malinovo lies in the area of the most numerous sunny days per year. The river Malý Dunaj (Little Danube) and its branches flow around the village from three sides. There are stretches of bottomland forests on both riverbanks. It is home to a wide range of precious birds and animals. There are ideal conditions for fishing, touring by water, cycling and walking.
Altitude 128 metres above sea level
Estates 883 hectares
Population is going to rise rapidly thanks to the new development in our village.
Data until 10th July 2012
Current population: 2210
Children under: 15 397
Adults over: 55 450
Current number of houses: 1285
Number of streets: 36
Data until 31st December 2009
Current number of houses: 946
Current population: 1837
Children under: 15 274
Pensioners over: 60 289
We have complete underground utilities (gas, sewage system, telecommunication network) in the village.
Medical facilities
GP and Paediatric surgery
Nursery school Malinka
Primary school with Slovak as language of instruction
Primary school with Hungarian as language of instruction
Secondary school of horticulture